With reference to circular no. DE.23(564)/Sch.Br./2018/1080 dated 24-07-2018 regarding safety of school students, the school management intends to inform the parents about the following:

  1. Parents must ensure that they use only legal means of transport for their school going children and the drivers follow adequate safe guards for ferrying school students.
  2. There must be no use of illegal/over loaded vehicle for transportation of their school going children. In case of use of private vans, parents must ensure that the drivers do not carry more children than the seating capacity of the vehicle. Over-loading/ill-maintained vehicles might lead to accidents.
  3. Parents should verify that the private van drivers must have a valid license issued by licensing authorities of NCT of Delhi and PSV badge and their character and antecedents are duly verified by the Delhi Police.
  4. In case of private vehicles hired by the parents, the cab driver’s character & antecedent verifications are to be provided to the school by the parents.
  5. Maximum number of children in the Private vans are limited to the maximum seating capacity laid down as per the type of vehicle.
  6. All school buses have Lady Marshalls. In case of Private vans, parents must ensure that there is a lady attendant/mother volunteer always present in the van in case of girl students.
  7. Private vans are not under the control and management of the school. Hence, parents need to be extra careful and vigilant while hiring Private vans.